Friday, March 29, 2013

EU and the rule of law

So where do you think that the recent shenanigans in Europe, leave David Cameron and the possibility of the UK re-negotiating the terms of membership of the EU?

In my view, the Cyprus fiasco shows that any re-negotiation is meaningless.  The EU, and that includes all of its institutions such as the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Commission, have no respect for people, property ownership or the rule of law.  It will be seen as somewhat ironic to those nations that come a-begging to the EU for aid or reasonable trade terms, that these basic tenets of the 'Western style' of democracy can be so easily cast aside for the European Master Race but are an absolute must have for the rest of the world.  Oh, and those Americans that are reading this and smuggly thinking, that couldn't happen in the good old US of A, read on

Consider.  From the troika that was negotiating with Cyprus, the ECB, IMF and the EU Commission, we are told that the IMF made it a condition that whatever solution was arrived at, must not require to be put to the Cypriot parliament!  The IMF remember, gets lots of funding from the US - How would the founding fathers and all those who died in the pursuit of democracy feel about that?

We are told that the biggest losers will be those Russians that have flooded into Cyprus and deposited their money.  The strong suggestion is that this money has somehow been stolen by those depositors or is in some other way ill-gotten.  The inference is that the theft of this money, by the EU and Cypriot government, by applying a 'hair-cut' of 40% to 100% is therefore somehow not really theft.  This is moral hazard at its most dubious and odious.  The EU and Cypriot government are assuming, when they steal people's money, that all deposits over  €100,000 are illegal and that because the main-stream media pushes this story, they will get away with it.  It is to the shame of the media, though not sites such as blogs and Twitter (@zerohedge  @witchking1974 and @Old_Holborn particularly good), that they continue to push this message.

I can't help feel that if the following was carried out by the Conservatives, the spin would be different.

Many British people chose to retire to Cyprus.  They sold the house that they had purchased and paid for, in the UK and took their legally earned money to Cyprus.  Let's say they sold-up for £500,000 - not such a great sum for someone with complete equity in a house located in the South East of England.  Let's go further and say that when they went to Cyprus, they down-sized and managed to buy their next property, outright for £250,000.  SO now they have £250,000 in the bank.  They live modestly and don't eat-in to their capital.  Then, along comes the EU, IMF and the other governmental thieves and takes £100,000 of their money - overnight and without anyone listening to them or saying what it is that they did wrong!

Because the above is happening but is being perpetrated by the EU and IMF, the media is complicit by its silence.  Going back to my previous post, for a moment, maybe the media don't need censoring, they do a good enough job, censoring themselves.

Even if all the account balances above €100,000 are illegal, since when did two wrongs make a right?
I would have thought that Germany, above all others, would recognize that following 'the ends justify the means' school of philosophy, was a very flawed approach.  Has economic purity replaced racial purity?

Turning to the rule of law.  It is a fundamental part of the EU 'schtick' that there is free movement of goods, people and capital within member states.  You don't believe me?  Look through statement after statement from UK ministers who say that they cannot control immigration from other EU states because of EU law!   Now look at what has happened regarding the imposition of Capital Controls.  In their efforts to rescue the Euro, the EU and Cyprus have ignored the basic principles of the EU and put us in a position where a Cypriot Euro is now worth less than a German Euro.

So, back to the start.  What would be the point of re-negotiation?  Any agreement reached wouldn't be worth the paper that it is printed on.  The only discussions should be on the terms of trade and such, post the UK exit from the EU.  That's it.  We need to understand and accept that we simply cannot treat or trust with the corrupt EU.

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