Wednesday, October 16, 2013

GOP = Gonads Outta Play?

What is it with the US Republican Party, otherwise known as the GOP?

Does GOP stand for Gonads Outta Play?  It certainly seems that many GOP members in the Senate display an amazing lack of courage and they are joined by their spineless colleagues in the House of Representatives.

Of course these folks will be looking at the mid-term elections but is that it?  A potential threat to job security means that principle and integrity is cast aside?

Surely there are some Senators and Representatives (you listening Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan?) who will filibuster any attempt at a deal that doesn't include a reduction in US debt  and the US budget deficit. 

The October 17th deadline is bogus.  The key date is November 1st because that's when big payments become due and maybe the US won't have the money, at that time so there is not the urgency that the White House have concocted.

So why are the GOP playing into Obama's hand?  

Linking the budget approval with Obamacare was surely short-sighted.  All indications are that this programme already contains the seeds of its own destruction (see the numerous stories on the multiplying of premiums that people are encountering and the failing, and failed, online registration system).  However, now things have moved on.

My advice to GOP members is don't get tied-up with Obamacare.  The real, indeed the only, issue, is America's addiction.  The drug of choice is debt or other people's money (taxes to you and me!)

When Obamacare is long-dead and buried the American people will still be suffering  from the spending splurge and debt-overdosing that is occurring day after day.  We are not talking about going 'cold turkey', of completely stopping government spending, but rather of weaning the government of their over-indulgence in spending money that they don't have. 

That should be the whole focus of the GOP and it's activities around the budget impasse and the debt ceiling.  Giving any addict greater and greater access to their drug of choice is never a good idea. 

Einstein said that insanity is  doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

 So this time, do something different - don't pass the budget, make cuts, don't increase the debt ceiling, stop feeding the beast!

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