Saturday, February 18, 2012

Child asylum seekers share £1 Million Compensation

Around 40 'child' asylum seekers who arrived in the UK without papers and were judged by immigration officers to be adults and thus held in adult detention centres have received £1 million in compensation.  A further £1 million was paid to the British lawyers who fought their case.

How do these sums get calculated?  That £1 million averages out at £25,000 each!  How, on the one hand, can we be told that in their home countries, families survive on less than US$1 a day and then give such a huge sum as compensation.  Were they mis-treated while in detention (no claims lodged so I suspect not!0. 

This sum equates to a very significant lifestyle change being made available to these 'children' and their families.

Oh, and remember.  They arrived without papers and so the immigration officers had to make a judgement.

Madness doesn't come close.



  1. Absolutely insane, this case and the myriad cases just like it make us the laughing stock of the world. No wonder people are queuing up to get into this country.

    I would also bet that the conditions they were detained in were markedly better than their existence in their home countries - ie, kept secure, warm, clothed and fed.

    On the other hand you cannot blame them for giving this con a whirl.

    My ire is reserved for the lawyers whose machinations are behind the whole scam, creatively invoicing the UK tax payer whilst all the time expecting us to believe that they really care about the imaginary injustices suffered by these people.
    Cheri Blair and all your ilk - you are nothing short of leeches and traitors.

  2. I presume this case was argued in a court of law by both sides and presided over by a judge to ensure the rule of law was followed.

    Obviously you're not in agreement with the decision but what is about the decision you are against? I'm not so sure you're looking at the case objectively from both sides and not sure you're in possession of all the facts.

  3. Anonymous
    I take issue with lawyers who press for compensation that is way out of touch with the expectations or earning capabilities of the clients.
    I take issue with people coming to this country, seeking asylum, not presenting full facts and then abusing the systems that we have in place - systems that were principally established for the resident population not for people coming here asking for our assistance.

    If my car broke down, outside your house, I asked to use your phone and you let me. Then if I tripped on exiting your house and suffered some minor injuries, are you saying you would be happy if I then sued you?

    Perhaps I am not being objective. That will probably be due to me being tired of myself and my country being taken for a mug! We cannot afford to absorb any, and I mean any, more asylum seekers. Not on race grounds or anything like that, simply that we do not have the money to do so and it is money being awarded as above, that drives the final nail into our coffin of being reasonable.
