Sunday, May 6, 2012

So what now, for the Coalition?

Firstly, both the Conservatives and the Lib Dems should understand that there is a message and it isn't n opportunity to put some kind of spin on things.

Yes, the last time that these seats were contested, these parties did well and so, the 'pendelum' effect means that this time they were almost bound to lose seats.  But, why both parties?  Why so heavily?  And, why, at a time when the public have moved towards understanding the need for austerity, (to at least varying degrees) would they move to ever higher spending Labour?  This is the same Labour that have never apologised for their economic incompetence!

It seems obvious to say, but the only answer is that the electorate that voted, wanted to punish the Coalition.  I don't believe it is because of the alleged cuts (check out the actual level of 'cuts' and you will see that public expenditure is being reduced at a far too low rate, if at all.)

No, I believe it's because the Coalition is fundamentally flawed.

Cameron and Clegg are committed to trying to do what is right for the country. 

  • Cameron thinks this requires being magnanimous and a 'gentleman' - so he doesn't push Conservative policies down Clegg's throat - it's not the 'done thing'.
  • Clegg was the photo-genic candidate for leader that could add votes for the Lib Dems and not scare the voters, while at the same time not getting in the way of the unruly Lib Dem MPs and party activists who wanted to continue to pursue their 'student' politics approach to life at Westminster or in local town halls.

So we have Cameron, bending over backwards to be nice to Clegg and Clegg unable to control his party.

Result?  The electorate see through this and see that the majority Coalition partner (the Conservatives, in case you have forgotten) are fumbling and have no coherent policy.  They have, to use the spin-meister phrase, no narrative. 

What do they stand for?
  • If it's the 'Granny Tax' or 'Pasty Tax' why can't these be clearly enunciated?
  • Why aren't we seeing power being reclaimed from Europe?
  • Why is the UK supporting the failed Euro project?  Don't bother trying to say it's because they are a major trading partner and the rest of that.  We are throwing good money after bad and trying to deny the inevitable - the tide has turned and it's time to get off of the beach!
  • Why is time being wasted on changing the definition of marriage?  Where is the groundswell of public clamour for this?
  • Why are we funding and keeping our UK armed forces in Afghanistan?
  • Why is parliamentary time to be wasted on reform of the House of Lords - I understand the Lib Dems want this but why can't the Conservatives adopt the Nancy Reagan response and 'Just say No!'

I could go on (and on and on) but you get the idea.

We have a Conservative led Coalition that seems to want to do everything that is un-Conservative, to kowtow to their junior partner and seems to have no idea, other than the retention of power, exactly what it is trying to do, in Government.

When will Conservative MPs understand that their complete acquiescence and obeisance to the Lib Dems means that they will pay the price at the ballot box, for their lack of a spine?

UKIP anyone?

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