Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Andrew Mitchell

I posted earlier, that I thought Andrew Mitchell should go.  Either voluntarily or be sacked.  What he is alleged to have said was plain wrong even if all of the words were not spoken!

Writing on Twitter, Iain Martin (@IainMartin1) poses the interesting question of why Andrew Mitchell, was stopped from taking his bike through the Downing Street car-gates, in the first place? 

The newspapers are quoting from the police 'log' of the events as if it had been inscribed by Moses himself which, given past experience (was it only last week we heard about Hillsborough?) suggests an over-reliance on a source that was previously found to be 'dodgy' from time to time.

I would also question, why in this 'Levenson' era, the papers seem to still have such a cosy relationship with the Metropolitan Police?  Especially, The Sun.  The Sun surely has an axe to grind against the Conservatives and I guess we are seeing some of that coming into play.

All that said, Mitchell should go.  This sorry tale is distracting and allowing the Lib Dems to make all the running, on the political front with their crazy 'squeeze the rich' policies and letting Labour to push ahead on sniping about Mitchell (though they themselves, seem to have forgotten  foul-mouthed SPADs and a deranged and phone-throwing PM)


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