Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cameron - Actions, not words, are needed

David Cameron is quoted in a UK paper as saying that the government cannot 'dither' over the economy.

Exactly right!

Will these though just be fine words or will he now have the courage to do the right things?  Will he instruct the Chancellor and the spending ministries to implement significant cuts in spending or will he listen to the foolish and economically illiterate comments from his coalition partners and others concerning tax rises?

Significant cuts?
  • Take an axe to welfare spending, 50% less is a good starting point - the Tories don't have the votes of the Guardian or the BBC anyway, so what's to lose? 
  • Same for Overseas Aid
  • Ditto EU spending and support - the French always try to look down their gallic nose's at us ( our own fault for being the country that repeatedly beat them or rescued them, I suppose) and the Germans want to get domination of Europe, where two wars didn't succeed.
  • Cut spending for Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland - They too don't like Tories and Salmond and his ilk use English largesse to 'cock a snook' at Westminster and England and the UK.  If Salmond wants to give free university places to Scots and other EU countries (but not the English) and free prescriptions, then let the Scots pay!
  • Pull troops out of Afghanistan - Now!
  • Major cuts at the Civil Service-end of the Ministry of Defence - not at the front-line end.
  • Local Government - plenty of scope for major cuts.
  • Merge police forces.
  • Same for NHS - let the various trusts free to manage and let them default on PFI contracts.  These 'sweetheart' deals, mainly signed under the previous Labour 'administration' are bleeding the NHS of  funds for front-line caring.
  • Remove the 'climate change' clap-trap from Government - completely - take it out of policies and ministries and so on.  It is totally unnecessary and costs us all, far, far too much.

Be bold across all departments - if the carpets aren't red with the bleeding hearts of liberals, you haven't cut enough.

Cut so far, that you can then spend money on required infrastructure developments that are needed.  Heathrow third runway,  fibre-optic links for all communities, housing. 

In all of this, ignore the false siren calls of those saying raise taxes, the bold move would be to reduce taxes 5p off of the basic rate, raise the threshold to 15K, good steps in the right direction.

If challenged by the opposition (Labour and Lib Dems) you could call it Plan BB - as in Bold and Beautiful?


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