Friday, May 24, 2013

Woolwich from a distance

The UK newspapers will splash the photograph of Drummer Lee Rigby across the front pages today.  You will see someone who was, by all accounts, a decent person and good family man who was proudly serving his country.

You might also see photographs of his murderers.  They are under-arrest and receiving treatment for gun-shot wounds in separate NHS hospitals, in London.  We can but hope that the NHS lives up to recent form (Mid Staffs)  and finds a way to end their lives, just as these two men so brutally ended the life of Lee Rigby.

You may see a photograph of Anjem Choudary.  He was the former leader of al-Muhajirou.  'Former' because this hate-filled organization is now banned.

What you won't see, is Anjem Choudary under-arrest.  Nor photographs of any of the other Islamic extremists that preach hate and violence towards their host or home-country populations.  Neither will you see politicians or read quotes from them advocating the arrest and detention of these people.  Instead you will hear all of the usual politically correct twaddle about 'this is not representative of Islam and Islam is a religion of peace, etc.'. 

Here is what I want to happen. 

Since the security services seem to have some knowledge (names and addresses, etc.)  of these hate-filled individuals, let's get them rounded-up (I know that sounds awfully reminiscent of Nazi, Japanese or even Boer war times but...) All of these that are not UK citizens - deport them - immediately.  If there is any faffing around about Human Rights or Immigration Tribunals, from the usual suspects, pass a quick law to overcome the issue and then deport them.  Parliament did this for so called 'dangerous dogs' so why not for a far greater menace?

For all of these, do not consider that they have any 'right to family life' of other such PC twaddle.  Lee Rigby no longer has any 'right to family life' - these monsters and their supporters, took that away!  So deport them and their families. 

The remainder should only be UK citizens, review their citizenship status and if at all possible, revoke this and deport them and their families.  If they were not born in the UK, then deport them! Simples!

Review all that are receiving state benefits and subject them to a very rigorous review of eligibility.  Then assign either DWP personnel or Police resources to follow them and monitor their communications 24/7.  It is not as if the police are doing anything to actually clean-up other crime, anyway.  So they won't be being diverted.

Prosecute those Imans that preach hate towards the West and our way of life.  The Police and the Crown Prosecution Service find time to chase after anti-homosexual hoteliers  and Social Services go after UKIP supporters, surely they can target those that would kill us on the streets of our cities and towns?

Re-establish controls on the UK border - if the EU protests or says a word - tell them to go to the hell, where these killers will end-up!

Until such time as Muslim community leaders consistently stand-up and speak for their community and say 'we condemn this violence and we will support all efforts to eradicate it and, we unequivocally support the actions taken by the democratically elected UK Government' then exclude them from any and all discussion forums on how to solve the problem.  Their constant equivocation - "yes, we condemn this but you have to understand, that our young people see what is happening in Iraq/Afghanistan/Palestine etc. and ...." is seen for the hollow words that they represent.  They need to continually say 'we condemn this act and those that carried it out'. 

Until they do, they are part of the problem, not the solution.  Make them suffer - no funding from the state, in any form, national or local, nor the National Lottery for their community, none whatsoever.  And do not allow them to receive overseas funding!  It is time to wake-up and to stop fulfilling Lenin's 'prophesy' that the 'capitalists would sell him the rope, with which to hang them'.  In this case UK taxpayers are funding this fifth column of murderers in our midst, and their fellow travelers.  Time to stop!

Some might accuse me of being 'hate filled' or promoting a hate 'agenda'.  I will plead guilty to hating anyone that kills innocent people that are going about their daily lives - and I mean anyone.   This post, if it is anything, is a 'rant' against the UK politicians who, just as on so many other issues, ignore the will of the people. 

Get a polling organisation to ask this question. 
        Do you think that the UK Government should immediately deport Abu Qatada to Jordan
        and then ignore any sanctions imposed by any UK or European Court?  Yes or No

I would expect an overwhelming Yes result.  I would also expect the UK Government to ignore the result.  The UK Government, as with other Western governments, do not represent the people that elect them, they rule over them in what they believe is some kind of paternalistic / maternalistic way, because 'they' know best.  It is precisely this pandering to political correctness that has led us to this state, where we care more for minorities of any sort, than we do for the majority, except that is, one the minority is one and he is a soldier serving his country.  Then the government and the system dives behind platitudes and wrings its collective hands. 

For the UK Government, Condemnation is a just word in the dictionary that comes between acquiescence and cowardice and can be trotted out in a 'template' speech to hide the fact that really, they don't give a damn and have no plans to do anything concrete to correct the situation !!

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