Friday, June 6, 2014

What's wrong with Americans, continued

Following on from last week's post or rant.

Another week goes by and yet more evidence of America's decline.   In truth though, I am really shocked at how diminished  and weakened America has become, in the space of one week

Those of you that are a little older and remember President Ronald Reagan or, come to that, more recently President George W Bush, could you ever conceive a visual image of one of those presidents actually having the parents of Bowe Bergdahl in the White House and the Rose Garden? Can you try and imagine either of them treating with the enemy - and that is what the Taliban and the Haqqani are, enemies of American and all freedom loving people - imagine holding a press conference where, while Americans are in harms way, either of these presidents would have allowed Bergdahl's father to praise a deity that is so merciful, a young mother will be hanged because she freely chose to convert from that deity's religion to the one true religion!  

Can you see these former presidents trading with the terrorists, the way that President Obama has done?  I can't.  Maybe it's me.  The only image that I can conjure up is them being a man of integrity - someone who does the right thing (even when no one is looking and there isn't a photographer around for the opportunity!)

Let's say for a moment, that Bergdahl was a prisoner of war.  Let's ignore the fact that the American Department of Defense didn't consider him so but more as a deserter.  Let's forget about the soldiers that died trying to locate Bergdahl.  So, Bergdahl's a POW.  In what convoluted and warped mindset can it ever make sense for the trade of 5 leading terrorists to be made?  What does the Obama administration do when the next American - doesn't have to be a serviceman or woman - is taken and held hostage?  Okay, so they free a few more terrorists.  At the current exchange rate, they will very soon run out.  Then what?  When a terror organisation demands that Islam is made the official religion of the USA or Sharia law must be imposed throughout America or that America must fire nuclear missiles at Israel - what will America do?

Will it find itself, once again, as the so called world superpower, treating and trading with some murderous thugs in a field on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border?  A great and supposedly mighty nation cowed by a group of bandits?

This exchange is exactly what it was always going to be.  In every 'war game' scenario this is a no win situation for America.  This exchange by an incredibly weak President Obama has terribly weakened America and, in doing so, has made the world a whole lot less safe for everyone. 

And what is the reaction from the sycophants in the main stream media?  Muted questioning.  American politicians?  Again somewhat muted.  An American President has blatantly broken American law and in the process gravely endangered all the American people and no politician is clamoring for Obama's impeachment.  Surely they have gorged on enough from the pork barrel by now?  Surely there is someone or some group of people that will oppose this dangerous tyrant?  Someone that will use the constitutional tools available to the American people, to rid America of Obama, Biden, Kerry, Rice and all of the other internal enemies that are currently weakening and destroying America?     

As a minimum, America must re-take the initiative.  They must go to Qatar and detain and take the 5 back to Guantanamo or execute  them and if there people that try to stop them doing so - Qataris or Taliban or anyone else, mete out expedient justice to them, as well.  To paraphrase a recently former president - if you are not with us, you are against us!  America's response needs to be brutal and needs to be demonstrably so.  Not as President Obama threatens, with a pen and a phone but with death and a very disproportionate response.  Not with sanctions and bank freezes but with firepower!  What is the point of spending so much of America's money on defence if you do not actually use it to defend America's interests?

With the actions of President Obama, the world is a less safe place, today than it was just last week.  While Obama is to blame, the fault also lies with America's politicians and America's people for accepting this.  Know this, we are all now much more vulnerable than we were last week.

Shaming, truly shaming!  And scary!

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