Friday, May 30, 2014

What's wrong with Americans?

I have a personal rule that I don't swear or use profane language on my blog or Twitter and don't post comments that contain the same, however, some Americans, (call that many,) are pushing me to the edge.

Exactly what does it take for America's politicians to actually move away from the pork barrel and stand-up for America and Americans?

I am not an American but if I were, I would be ashamed to say so right now.


In Sudan, the wife of an American citizen, was forced to wear shackles while giving birth and will now proceed to be executed for the crime of apostasy - that is, she chose to give up the religion of her birth - Islam - so that she could follow our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In Mexico,  US Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, is being held on charges of illegally entering Mexico and bringing weapons into the country.  It must be the greatest of ironies that America's open southern border, which is so poorly policed by America's Border Patrol, is better managed on the other side by the federales!  But hey, John 'I was against the Vietnam War and I speak with a deep voice' Kerry has asked Mexico for help on this!

In Phoenix and many other American cities, veterans of foreign wars (people like Post Traumatic Stress Dis-order sufferer, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi) are dying because they don't receive care.  They  are on waiting lists but you wouldn't know that because the lists are held secret.  The public lists show that the Veteran's Administration is doing a great job in caring for America's veterans.  That must be the case because these VA personnel are getting bonuses for a job well done.

Then there is the continuing sorry tales of Benghazi (4 Americans abandoned by the Obama and Clinton administration), Fast and Furious (wasn't that about guns going over the border, into Mexico??), the IRS targeting of right-of-centre dissident groups, like the Tea Party, the Bundy ranch raid and so on and on.

On the international scene.

America is withdrawing from Afghanistan.  This fulfills Obama's pledge to do so, though the US will leave behind 9,800 troops until 2016.  The pretense is that the rationale of establishing a stable government in that country, one which enjoys widespread support and has security forces that can be trusted to serve the interests of the people of Afghanistan and not those of the local warlord or the Taliban, has been met.  Even the Kool-Aid drinking Obama Main Stream Media don't believe or report that Afghanistan is stable!

The Ukraine?  Russia is flexing its muscles and getting exactly what it wants and America's reaction is to freeze bank accounts and issue travel bans.  I didn't expect any better from the ineffectual European Union.  Right now the EU focus is on hiding the mess that is the Euro common currency, by crushing the young unemployed of Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy.  I did kind of expect something more robust, from America.  Maybe an invite to Ukraine, to join Nato or at least a threat to do so.  I suppose though that with Obama's complete indifference to borders, it was to be expected that Russian violation of Ukraine's border and destabilizing of a sovereign nation,  would not raise too much concern in the Obama White House.

What does get the Obama White House concerned?

Well Michelle Obama has got all riled up about the 200+ girls that have been kidnapped by the terrorist Muslim group Boko Haram.  She took to Twitter, with the hashtag #Bringbackourgirls  Well here's a news flash Mrs Obama.  They aren't your girls.  They aren't America's girls because they aren't Americans.  Where is the American First Lady appealing for the release of AMERICAN Sgt, Andrew Tahmooressi? Where is Mrs Obama's condemnation of the treatment Merian Ishag, the wife of an American citizen and mother of a new born baby, that is about to be executed in Sudan. 

Don't search the media for comments from Michelle or Barack Obama or better yet actions from the 'most powerful man on earth' because you won't find them.  To me the inescapeable conclusion is that Sgt. Andrew Tahmorressi's problem is that he is white.  Merian Ishag's problem is that she converted to Christianity.  Those are sins that this most racist of White House administrations cannot forgive. 

Michelle Obama has put herself on the front line with her Twitter campaign but doesn't then question why her husband's administration repeatedly failed to declare Boko Haram as a terrorist organization, which it certainly is and always has been.  Husband Barack may not have wanted to offend his Muslim allies but what was former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's reason? 

My anger on the above has caused me to stray.  The real ire should be directed at the American people that allow their political 'leaders' to whore their country and political districts, the way that they do.  The Keystone pipeline can't be approved because Democrat donor, the billionaire Warren Buffet opposes approval and wants to keep moving oil in train cars, that he owns! 

These same politicians should be calling for the impeachment of President Obama for all of the crimes that have occurred under his watch (see above). 

They should be calling for the ouster of John Kerry.  This fool now claims that the greatest threat to America is climate change!  Not the Islamic terrorists,  that his President allows to cross into America, through open borders and easy immigration, or to carry out atrocities.  Not the resurgent Russians or expanding Chinese threat, no it is climate change.   The greatest threat to America comes from something that is unproven, except with very dodgy statistics.  The only rationale for citing this as the threat, that I can come up with, is that this can be used to justify yet billions more of US tax dollars being wasted on this pseudo-science.  The 'peaceniks' that run America today will probably see that as a more noble cause than caring for America's veterans of foreign wars!

So, back to the American people.  What is up with them?  Why aren't they clamoring for action?  I know that so many more Americans are now on food stamps and, in Obama's liberal paradise, unemployed and on welfare but surely there are still some people for whom the term patriot is not seen as a slur.  Some Americans who understand that the country must honour its commitment to its military - they did their part, now its the turn of America!  Some Americans who understand that to retain power you sometimes have to be prepared to actually display it.  Some Americans that look at Russia and China and see them as potential or even real enemies that need to be confronted.  Some Americas that understand the Islamic Republic of Iran can never be allowed to have nuclear weapons.  Some Americans that understand that its best friend in the Middle East is Israel.  Some Americans that know that offering an amnesty to illegal immigrants (again!)  will only encourage the next wave of illegals! 

I could go on but maybe I should leave it at that.  Maybe some Americans (don't hold your breath for too many American politicians though) will step up for their country.  It certainly needs it

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