During the Second World War, it is said that Churchill would annotate reports and memos with the comment 'Action Today' As in, 'no need for further debate, just get on with it!'
Following David Cameron's speech, yesterday, we need a 'Churchillian' approach to tackling Islamic extremism in the UK. Listening to this speech though, there seems to be much that suggests that fine words will not be met with corresponding actions.
Just in case Prime Minister David Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May are unsure of what immediate steps can be taken, I offer the following, that come straight to my mind.
Illegal immigration: Take immediate steps to end the farce of Immigration Tribunals - if that means immediately repealing parts of the abominable Human Rights legislation, then all the better. If the House of Lords oppose this legislation or ministerial order, then flood the HoL with peers that will pass the legislation. We seem to be able, on an almost daily basis, to pass into UK law, regulations and directives that are issued by un-elected Eurocrats in Brussels, so we should be able, in this case to do pass orders or laws, that are so critically important to our national security. The legislation or directive passed must allow for the deportation of illegal immigrants even if they have successfully gone through the Immigration Tribunal process, in the past. At the start of the same day, that legislation starts through the approval process, commence rounding-up these illegal immigrants and hold them in detention , pending deportation. On the same day, that the legislation is passed, commence the deportations. These people have no right to be in the UK. No right at all. They are illegal immigrants and should be sent from our shores.
Following David Cameron's speech, yesterday, we need a 'Churchillian' approach to tackling Islamic extremism in the UK. Listening to this speech though, there seems to be much that suggests that fine words will not be met with corresponding actions.
Just in case Prime Minister David Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May are unsure of what immediate steps can be taken, I offer the following, that come straight to my mind.
Illegal immigration: Take immediate steps to end the farce of Immigration Tribunals - if that means immediately repealing parts of the abominable Human Rights legislation, then all the better. If the House of Lords oppose this legislation or ministerial order, then flood the HoL with peers that will pass the legislation. We seem to be able, on an almost daily basis, to pass into UK law, regulations and directives that are issued by un-elected Eurocrats in Brussels, so we should be able, in this case to do pass orders or laws, that are so critically important to our national security. The legislation or directive passed must allow for the deportation of illegal immigrants even if they have successfully gone through the Immigration Tribunal process, in the past. At the start of the same day, that legislation starts through the approval process, commence rounding-up these illegal immigrants and hold them in detention , pending deportation. On the same day, that the legislation is passed, commence the deportations. These people have no right to be in the UK. No right at all. They are illegal immigrants and should be sent from our shores.
- Create a holding area at the Channel Ports and the Channel Tunnel freight terminal. Require all trucks entering the UK, to transit through these facilities and be subjected to search. Immediately deport, on the very next ferry, any illegal immigrants, found. It is completely wrong to punish lorry drivers that are found to have illegal immigrants in their trucks - they are not the cause of the flood of immigrants that are sitting in France and seeking illegal entry into the UK.
- Push through parliament, legislation that requires all non-British citizens to have contributed to the National Insurance and tax system, for a period of five years before they are eligible to claim any welfare benefits. When the European Union howls, ignore them. when they threaten fines and such, start to withhold the funding that the UK provides to EU institutions. By the way, the 'push through' at the start of this paragraph, means accelerate. Pass in days instead of months or years.
- For all people that are known to be fighting with Daesh, or as the BBC insists on calling them, the self-styled Islamic State, deport all of their family members, where it is legally possible to do so. Anyone in this group that has dual nationality - deport them. Anyone that has been granted 'right to remain' - rescind this and deport them.
- Include the use of a Daesh black flag, as constituting a 'hate crime' and punish under existing law, however, anyone so convicted, deport them and their families, as mentioned above. Similarly, any desecration or despoiling of the Union flag or the national flags of England, Scotland and Wales, to count as a 'hate crime' and be punished, as above.
- Consult with the Security Services and Special Branch and identify what they consider to be the top 100 'radical' mosques in Britain and close them - today, latest tomorrow. Close them, then level them and pay no compensation. Allied to this, end the practice of the call to prayer being broadcast on loudspeakers.
- End the failed policy of 'multi-cultularism'. All schoolchildren attending school, must, by the age of 4 be able to speak English. All claimants and the people that they are claiming welfare benefits for must be able to speak, read and write English - No English = No benefits! Immigrants must integrate or leave.
- Ban the wearing of the Burqa. Just do it! The French have, we should follow suit.
- Enforce legislation regarding Female Genital Mutilation. Whenever this is discovered, deport the family - see above. Require all doctors to perform an examination of all girls at least once every two years, until they reach the age of 16 years. Of course this is highly intrusive but we need to stamp-out this vile act.
- Close all Muslim faith schools - of course that is discriminatory. Remember though that it is Muslims that are seeking to change the culture of the UK. It is Muslims that have blown themselves and other Britons up on tube trains and buses. It is Muslims that have killed a soldier on the streets of the nation's capital. Jews, Hindus and other faiths manage without special schools. Their adherents get taught about their religion outside of the state school system. Muslims can do the same. What about Christian state schools? They stay. The UK is, nominally at least, a Christian country.
- End Sharia courts and prosecute anyone that participates in one, in any capacity, as being in contempt of court.
All of this may sound, depending on your viewpoint, as maybe extreme, however, the UK and other Western countries, are in grave danger from the existential threat that is rampant immigration and the 'islamisation' of our societies. We need to take drastic steps. Not just to hold back the tide, but to push it back. We need to reclaim Britain and understand that the values that we hold dear cannot be allowed to be brushed aside by an alien and dangerous 'culture'. We need to fight back.
So, David Cameron and Theresa May - Action Today! Or will we just have the usual fine words, no action against the evils perpetrated by the followers of Islam but action launched against people that are gravely concerned about the continuing decline of Britain and its values?
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