Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What's wrong with America?

I am forced to ask this question because the nation that was once seen as founded upon capitalistic principles and the land of opportunity is fast hurtling towards European-style socialism.

What's startling is that there is ample evidence of the failures of socialised medicine available and yet still America is accelerating in that direction. 

It all starts with education.  The USA's educational establishments have long been infiltrated by left-leaning academics and they now hold such sway that they set the educational agenda.  So it is taken for granted (and taught)  that the scientifically proven non-existent global warming, is somehow happening and it is man's fault.

These entryist fifth column seek to curtail the very freedoms that allowed America to become a beacon for wave after wave of immigrants.  They undermine debate by labeling any opinion contrary to the Left's as racist or reactionary or sexist or homophobic.  The products of this educational system litter the media and those that fail to get into that industry - one can't call it a profession, as it would demean, by association, the other members of the world's oldest profession - these people go into 'government'.  They become public 'servants' as they would style themselves.  Though, their idea of public service is oftentimes to drive forward a leftist, nanny-state agenda.  I would wager though that many of them wouldn't see their petty officiousness and anti-capitalist behaviour as leftist, such is the extent of their childhood brainwashing.   

The strange thing though, about the American Left is the one group that they do not attack.  They will attack Pro-Life people, who oppose abortion, in the most virulent way.  Likewise, Christians are pilloried for following their beliefs because these are founded on the Bible.  Anyone that suggests that the absence of live-in fathers in black communities, is immediately a racist - regardless of the evidence that shows the comparative consequences of this state of affairs.  Anyone who makes even a passing reference which might be construed as slightly negative towards homosexuals, is a legitimate target for abuse and a campaign to teach them the 'error of their ways' by getting them fired from their job or suspended from their TV show (look-up Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame!)

So who don't the American Left address their campaigns against?  The answer is the religious group that is most actively engaged in attacking all those 'issues' that the Left hold dear.  That is, Muslims.  Women's rights, Homosexual rights, these are non-existent in most parts of the Muslim world.  However, A&E, the TV channel that suspended Phil Robertson or MSNBC or CBS or CNN, etc.,  don't ever talk about the 'elephant in the room' - Islam.  In this they are not alone.  The European media is also scared to bring forward exposure of the practices prevailing in much of the Muslim world. 

Think back to any incident that was perpetrated by Islamists in the name of Islam.  What is the second thing that you see on TV or read in the press, straight after the pictures of the dead and dying and wounded?  It will be a 'moderate' member of the Islamic 'community' condemning the atrocity and saying how this doesn't represent the true face of Islam, which they then go onto claim is a peaceful religion.  What kind of peace is it that blows-up people, indiscriminately?  That beheads unarmed Christians in Syria and posts videos of their actions - say what you like about Syria's Assad but Syrian Christians were able to live and worship under him, something the Islamic militants (that President Obama wants to support) won't allow them to do.  A religion,  two of whose adherents, hack to death a British soldier on the streets of London, in broad daylight and in full glare of video cameras.  An orthodoxy that is funded by Saudi Arabian money - the same money that funded the 9/11 attacks on the USA.

A great man called Edmund Burke  once said that "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".  Had he been alive today, he would no doubt have added something that addressed the willful blindness of the media to the flaws in Islam, as currently practiced, while the self-same media viciously attacks anyone that promotes a Christian viewpoint. 

Edmund Burke also said "Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist."  President Obama and his liberal predecessors have propelled America down that path.  Consider the corrupt activities of America's government in spying on its own people, targeting them with IRS audits and leaving it's representatives to die in Benghazi.  A government that allows Kermit Gosnell to murder unborn babies, with relative impunity as here.    I don't know about you but I call that fairly corrupt.   
 So Americans, look to that 'city on the hill' while you still can.  The light of hope, opportunity and freedom that was apparent to all your forebears is growing ever dimmer and unless American's take back their country, will soon be extinguished.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/e/edmund_burke.html#yaYcH3ewqxpSXh6Q.

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