Thursday, September 24, 2015

Europe - too little, too late

Given the continuing crisis in Europe, I must, once again, return to the subject.

Belatedly, EU politicians are coming to the realisation that the best way to tackle the issue of Syrian refugees, is to do so, at, or close to source.  So they are talking about granting further aid to Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.  This will certainly help – indeed, this is the policy that has been advocated by the British government – a policy for which the liberal left and EU elite castigated Cameron’s government.
However, this solution only has the opportunity to address the Syrian element.  Many of the swarm of people now invading Europe’s soft underbelly, come from places other than Syria.  They come from Iraq – even though many areas of Iraq are under government rather than Daesh control.  They come from Eritrea – presumably these are in opposition to the government?  They come from Pakistan and Bangladesh, from Somalia and Ethiopia, Nigeria and Kenya .    These people are getting swept-up in the mass and all are being labelled as ‘refugees’   Plainly that is wrong but the EU solution does nothing to address this. 
Nor does it do anything to address the mass of immigrants that are seeking to illegally enter Europe, from Libya.   So hard luck Italy – Germany finally feels imperilled by the swarm coming in from the south-east and so action must be taken.  France is feeling destabilised by these immigrants and so, to hell with the Italians.

Donald Tusk, President of the European Council (being a European position, quite naturally, unelected), laid out the new policy last night, after long talks with EU member states.  These talks followed on from the issue of a ‘diktat’ from the European Union that forces most of these ‘sovereign’ nations to accept a quota of immigrants (a few countries, the UK among them, are not affected because they have an opt-out).    There has to be a strong question mark over whether or not any of these nations can really continue to be called ‘sovereign’, especially when they can be forced to accept policies that they very clearly don’t want to.

Consider also, that Spain has been told it must accept 19,219 migrants.  Portugal must take 4,775.  That is the same Spain with unemployment currently standing at more than 22% and youth unemployment at more than 48%.  The same Portugal with unemployment at close to 12% and youth unemployment of more than 31%.  So these already suffering and impoverished countries must accept people who will naturally be an immediate and long term welfare burden.

Tusk and the EU elite have come to the realisation that they must undo the effects of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s at best naïve, and certainly very stupid open invitation to ‘refugees’.  Merkel’s invitation has been likened to those teenagers that post a ‘party at my house, tonight’ notice on FaceBook or Twitter and then wonder why hundreds or thousands of people turn-up.

Tusk advised people that it is time to ‘correct the policy of open doors and windows’   He also warned that the greater part of the tide (is that the Polish word for swarm?) was yet to come!
The EU will also need to strengthen its borders, according to Tusk.  Yes, that’s right, the EU needs to do the very thing that Hungary has been so pilloried for.  Hungary builds a fence – very bad.  EU builds fences in border states, including Hungary – that’s okay!  A fiction writer wouldn’t be believed if he or she wrote such stuff!  I suppose though, that is the price that is paid, when a nation surrenders its sovereignty.
Memo to SkyNews and BBCNews – Maybe do some background checks on those Syrian professionals that you interview?  Yes they can appear quite eloquent and well-spoken but maybe ask yourself  how, in what Sky and the BBC insist is an oppressive regime, led by Assad, did they manage to have such a very good, middle class lifestyle?  Were they maybe, until very recently, staunch supporters of the regime, who have ‘read the writing on the wall’ and are getting out, with their wealth, before Assad falls?  Wouldn’t that make them economic migrants rather than refugees

One intriguing prospect of the EU’s crass mishandling of the migrant invasion is that this is seriously strengthening the hand of the Brexit  campaign.  What kind of country would Britain be, if Eurocrats and ministers from other EU countries can simply dictate how many immigrants a company must take?  What kind of a country would Britain be if its borders were to be protected, not by  its own troops and border services but by an EU Border Force (the creation of this supra-national body is the latest idea out the EU Project)   One has to wonder if this is by some kind of design.  Has Brussels and Berlin decided that the British can never be ‘brought to heel’ (history should have been a good guide here!) and so the only way that the Euro-Project can progress, is without the UK.  Have the Germans and EU elite spoken to Obama’s US administration and reached an understanding to isolate the UK?  Will they be ‘bigging up’ Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP, so as to create division within the UK?

Watch this space!


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