Friday, January 6, 2012

Cameron pledge on EU

Per the biased BBC and in an incredibly rude interview, on Radio 4's Today programme David Cameron  
has promised to do "everything possible" to stop other EU states discussing the single market without the UK.
He said it would be "wrong" for states which signed up to a new eurozone pact to use EU institutions to discuss issues affecting other member states.
But he said the legal position was unclear and there were "difficulties" with the European Court of Justice.

Does  this mean that the UK is not a member of the Single Market, anymore?  Can we stop being a net contributor to the EU budget?

How can this even be being discussed and why isn't the biased BBC asking EU representatives how they could justify excluding the UK?

The biased BBC use the term 'Pressed' in their report of the interview.  The interviewer, Evan Davis, didn't so much 'press' as badger the UK Prime Minister.  He would not let Cameron answer the questions that he was being peppered with and only shut up when Cameron stopped trying to answer and shut-up.

Then Cameron said 'Finished?' and, while Davis was obviously perplexed (courtesy seems to throw the biased BBC!), then proceeded to answer the questions and specifically why what he did in Brussels (using the UK veto) was in the interests of the UK and, going back to the opening of this post, re-iterated that the UK wants to remain in the EU and stressed that our number one reason for the UK's membership was the Single Market because we are a trading nation.

I suspect that Cameron reflects the desire of most Britons - we are happy to remain in the EU but want it to be an organisation focused on the Single Market rather than anything 'closer'.   Of course, if some of the members of the EU want to move towards closer union then that is up to them.  We wouldn't stand in their way (it's none of our business!) but neither should we pay anything towards it.

If you get a chance to hear the interview, please do so.  If I were in Cameron's shoes, I would refuse to be interviewed by the biased BBC again. Or at least until the Today programme has been purged of its liberal lefties!  

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