Monday, January 23, 2012

Thatcher the Serial Killer

I quote below a letter published in this week's Grantham Journal. Friday 20 January.

Councillor Ray Wootten obviously supports the idea of having a statue to Thatcher in spite of the very considerable body of opinion that is opposed to it.
Cllr Wootten says: “Whatever your political views of Margaret Thatcher...she did come from Grantham. We need to capitalise on that.”
This is a bit like councillors from Bingley say, or Gorton, arguing that no matter what you might think about Peter Sutcliffe or Myra Hindley, their places of birth should capitalise on the fact that they came from there.
The atrocities of Sutcliffe and Hindley pale into insignificance compared with those perpetrated under Thatcher’s watch.
People would be rightly outraged if statues of Sutcliffe and Hindley appeared in their home towns, and the notion of having a statue to Thatcher in Grantham is even more outrageous.

I don't care what or where your political sympathies lie, how can any sane mind, compare Margaret Thatcher with the horrors that were visited on their victims, by Sutcliffe and Hindley?  To me that takes an incredibly  warped viewpoint.

If you agree, send a letter to the Grantham Journal.

I have to ask, why would any respectable publication even print such vile rubbish? 

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