Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ireland EU referendum - What did you expect?

Consider not what the Irish were asked:

  • Do you support the Fiscal Treaty - Yes or No

Consider instead the real question:

  • Do you support the Fiscal Treaty, knowing that even if you vote No, it will still be implemented because we only need to get 12 countries to ratify it and since you are the only ones being asked to vote, you may as well vote Yes because if you do we will give you more Euro funny-money.  If you vote No, we will cut-off that source and reckon you don't have the guts to default and damage those foreign banks that are depending on this circus continuing - Yes or No

Is it any surprise that the Irish voted yes?  Or rather, something less than 50% could see through the democratic sham and still be bothered to vote and then the vote was 60:40  So something like 30% of the eligible votes supported the measure.  Another resounding endorsement for 'EU style democracy'.

We can but hope that politicians of every hue and nationality start to put the position of their people before those of the Eurocrats!  This project has run its course, democracy needs to be enhanced but instead we are rushing headlong into a dictatorship of the bureaucrats and I worry that the reaction, when it comes (and it surely will, on the fringes, at least) will be bloody and violent.

To UK Conservative supporters reading this - time to let your MP know that he/she should tell David Cameron that the UK people need a referendum on continued membership of this institution, the EU, that holds views and practices that are so inimical to our British way.  Of course Labour and Lib Dem readers are equally free to advise their MPs.

Just think, if we 'pulled our fingers out' we could get such a referendum organised and completed before Alex Salmond and his wee merry band managed to organise their little exercise in extortion (sorry, I meant furthering the interests of the Scottish people)  Politicians should always have goals and those that annoy your opponents are the best ones - David Cameron, take note!

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