Sunday, June 3, 2012

Restore the Monarchy and ditch Parliament?

The Diamond Jubilee brings these thoughts to mind.

Should we not think of restoring rule by the Monarch rather than by Parliament? 

Our politicians (of all hues) have become more and more shifty and self-serving in the last 60 years (and the pace of decline is gathering speed).  Entering parliament today, is not about public service, it is about how close you can get to the trough and how much you can sup from it, before the electorate, in a fit of unreasonable pique, elect someone else to take your place.

Contrast that with Queen Elizabeth - soul of discretion - knows how to behave, never embarrasses the country, very diplomatic, oh!, and British.  So maybe she doesn't know the 'ins and outs' of macro-economic principles, she could though have advisers for that.  Hopefully such advisers would be better than the whiz-kids that got us into this mess in the first place!  Can anyone doubt that she would put Britain's interests first?

I am a firm believer in democracy but what we have now, in the UK, doesn't represent democracy.   It is a system designed to over-tax and over legislate the 'people' for the benefit of a few. 

So why not start again?  We could have the Queen as actual head of state,  a privy council to advise and something like the House of Lords, to act as a conduit for public opinion.  Then we could have a smaller army of civil servants to carry out Her Majesty's wishes.

Try and tell me these regal decisions would be any worse and shaming than what we have seen over the last 50 years or so!

One flaw in my 'Baldrick like cunning plan' is Prince Charles.  His views on Global Warming or Climate Change or whatever it is being called this week, show he is in thrall to the mad 'scientists', so we would have to ensure we skip a generation.  Otherwise, foolproof.

Oh! And those of you who would try and decry such a loss of democracy and all the rest of it - consider just how much power the UK has already lost to the EU and how many laws and directives come from this unelected bureaucracy!  My plan isn't so much about giving up democracy in favour of a monarchy, it's about, the British regaining control of our destiny!

Doesn't that sound grand!     

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