Thursday, June 21, 2012

Julian Assange

Reading some of the, often mindless, comments about this case they seem to breakdown into the following:

It's all an American plot - this posits that the USA and it's 'intelligence' community set-up the rape charges and they plan to seek Assange's extradition from Sweden once he is there.  Not entirely sure I understand why the US doesn't just seek his extradition from the UK, if they are that keen on getting hold of him - any ideas?

Because Assange is serving the greater good of humanity, he should not face these charges.  Assange's selective leaking (he decides what is published and what isn't and, as far as we can tell, only those that promote his political agenda are 'leaked') somehow give him the freedom to be above the law?  Really?

The gullible 'Leftie' fools and their Guardianista follows are getting their come-uppance.  This one  says that the people who put up the money for his bail are now claiming they don't have to pay as he is either still on British soil (not sure what the Ecuadoreans think about that) or, because the police know where he is, bail hasn't been broken.  'Fools' is right.  He isn't where he is supposed to be and so the bail conditions have been broken.  End of story.  Don't pass Go, do pay 240K please and do please remove egg from face.

He hasn't been charged with Rape - he is wanted for questioning.  This is exactly the point.  Is anyone seriously contending that somehow, the Swedish courts and police service will suddenly turn from its Western liberal traditions, forgo a charge and criminal case and then publicly flay the skin from his body, just because the Americans are upset?  Or would we expect such a high profile (at least in his eyes) figure to be treated with the most softest of kid gloves?  Wouldn't we expect the Swedish equivalent of The Guardian to be pushing their 'right on' views and protesting his innocence (assuming he is even ever charged!).

What I don't see too much of, is any consideration for the alleged rape victims.  They are simply ignored and it is to the eternal shame of The Guardian, Pilger, Loach and company that their story is not being allowed to be heard.  Maybe the view from those Tuscan villas is the clearest of blue skies but can these people not see the rank hypocrisy of ignoring the 'voiceless victims' and doing so, simply because Assange has managed to get up the nose of the 'great Satan' aka USA and so he has a free pass?

We will find out, later today, what the Ecuadoreans decide.  If they refuse, I hope that Assange is then taken straight from the Embassy to the airport and put on a plane.  Frankly his abuse of the British and European justice system means that he has forfeited the right for any further appeals against the extradition.

Don't be surprised though if he is used as a pawn by the Ecuadoreans to snub the Americans and, as a gesture of solidarity with their Argentinian 'brothers', give a poke in the eye for the UK, and his request is granted.

Also don't be surprised if we then start to see more leaks which are damaging to US and UK interests and maybe put people's lives at risk.  It won't matter though, because those people won't be a 'sainted' Aussie who really believes that he is above the law.


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