Sunday, December 18, 2011

Deport immediately

Can anyone tell me why, when a judge sentences a non-UK citizen to jail, to be followed by immediate deportation, the individual isn't put on a plane, an hour so or after the sentence ends.  Or even an hour or two just before?

We hear stories of people that the UK Government are trying to deport offending and re-offending and all the while the machinery of 'justice' groans slowly on.

During the August riots, courts sat for longer hours and swiftly meted out punishments.

Here is an idea: 
Have the immigration/deportation tribunals sit in one room and then the appeals tribunal sit in the next and if someone decides to appeal, then move straight from the first to the second - no 6 month or a year's delay, usually spent offending or on the dole, would be necessary.

And a further idea:
Have these tribunals sit longer and more often.  At least until the back-log is cleared.

And finally:
Stop the legal gravy train.  Don't allow anyone convicted of an offence to have their deportation fight, funded by legal aid.  Solicitors and Barristers just love our system of justice, where they can stick their noses into the public trough time and again.  So Legal Aid only for UK Citizens.

Speed up the process and stop funding re-offending. 

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