Tuesday, December 20, 2011

English Police and the August Riots

The tactics employed by the police, during the riots that swept England in August 2011 have come in for much criticism, from various study reports. 

Today it was suggested that the police should have used water cannon and rubber bullets/baton rounds and even possibly live ammunition. 

Like many I was horrified at the lawlessness that was allowed to occur and at the inaction of the police. 

I don't really need long-winded studies to tell me that by standing back and doing nothing the police encouraged the rioters who quickly came to the conclusion that their actions would have no consequences and the benefit of cheap purloined goods.

The robust sentencing that was practised, disabused the rioters of the latter but the hands-off approach of the police still hangs as a likely outcome for any future disturbances unless the police and the government state, in the strongest possible terms, that should any such outbreaks occur, we will deal with them very severely.

That is, the police will use water cannon (maybe with an indelible dye?) and will use baton rounds and if required will use firearms to protect life.

The police need to know that such use will not then be subject to 20:20 hindsight review because some poor rioter got injured.  If you are on the streets during a riot, the chances are you are part of that riot and I make no apologies to say that if you are there and you get hurt - tough!

Incidentally, my conspiratorial mind wonders if the police stood back to try and send a message to the Government along the lines of ' this is why you need us and don't even think about trying to reform us because this could happen again'.


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