Tuesday, December 27, 2011

UK Foreign aid and Economic Performance.

According to a report on the (still biased) BBC, the economy of Brazil has overtaken that of the UK, during 2011.

As you will see from the table below, produced by the Centre for Economics and Business Research, Brazil has pushed the UK economy into being the seventh largest in the world.

And you would be right in assuming that the UK continues to give foreign aid to Brazil!  Also to India, which is seen to have the tenth largest economy in the world.  It is difficult to get data out of the Department for International Development but I would not be surprised to see China as a recipient of foreign aid, as well!

While we may think it laudable to provide overseas aid and some consider that the old adage 'charity begins at home' is too narrow minded, how can it make sense to provide aid to countries that have such thriving economies?

When might we stop providing aid to these and, if we must provide aid, give it to those countries that both need it and do not currently have an economy that helps them get up off of their knees?

We regularly hear from left-leaning news media, that 'child poverty' is a growing phenomenon in Britain and at the same time we send funds overseas to relieve 'child poverty' in other countries (something which the self-same left-leaning media, think we do not do enough of!)

I wish someone could tell me how this makes sense.

CEBR World Economic League Table

Rank 2011 2020 (forecast)
2 China China
3 Japan Japan
4 Germany Russia
5 France India
6 Brazil Brazil
7 UK Germany
8 Italy UK
9 Russia France
10 India Italy

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